I've been pondering this realignment as I watch the clock run out on the Pac 12. How they went from the conference that bit off chunks of the Big 12 to self-immolation has just been crazy. It's more than a discussion about time zones and TV viewers. It's how the decision makers at the top destroyed their conference (as it was previously constituted) through terrible choices. I suspect that the increased travel will fall most heavily on women's sports. Not just in terms of time and comfort, but also in terms of budget impact to the sports involved. It will require some adjustments, and if I recall correctly (B1G) the newest members are not granted an immediate full revenue share.

As far as Oklahoma and Texas, I think that their heavy-handed behavior since formation of the Big 12 will not be missed. I also think Texas an Oklahoma will find the immediate road bumpy as they navigate moving from the bully in the building to junior partner status.

I hope that the PAC 12 can find its way to a reconstituted roster of members. It is still a valuable brand, and with a more rational view of their current media value (and a needed leadership upgrade) they might well rise from these ashes...but it will take time. It's too late for Pac 12 leadership to take the essential step to first do no harm. Now they need to focus on do no MORE harm. I hope they make it.

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Yes, you could write another thousands of words on the scheduling and travel impacts for teams that aren't football (which plays once a week for 3 months) and also can't afford charters, which is most sports. But hey, being gone for a week is in the best interests of the student-athlete, right? (Fortunately there's a lot online now, but still.) I hope they find a better way.

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